Paths of Astrological Constellations. (Zodiac)
Choose a map area with Google maps. (somewhere within San Francisco)
Save an image of the map.
Create an image of each of the Constellations of the Zodiac.
Choose a starting point on the map.
Using Photoshop, overlay the Constellation images onto the Google map, matching one point for each image to the starting point. Use a separate layer for each constellation image.
Using one constellation layer at a time, save a separate image for each map. (12 total)
Print out each Constellation map.
Create a path (draw it on the map) for each Constellation on the map. Each path should begin on the designated starting point, and end at the same starting point.
(make copies as needed)
Gather participants at the starting point.
Give a map to each participant, according to their astrological zodiac sign.
Everyone will follow their own path, either solo or with others, walking the path of their astrological sign.
As they walk along their paths, if anyone meets with someone from a different sign, they should each take a picture of the person or persons they meet.
When everyone has returned to the designated starting point, compare the images and discuss the paths taken.